A very simple C Command Line Argument parser. Why? Well simply because I wanted something simple for my needs, I like to make simple cli's for my scripts without any overhead or unreadable code. This is where I've made Cclarg to stand, a simple, not too bland, not too spicy, command line argument parser
7 Replies
Does the logo I made in .0001 second say args... yes, do I care enough to change it, not really. As said before this is something made for my needs and I don't plan on uploading it on github
Regardless, only feature I need to work a bit more on is the auto help command generation as currently it's a bit messy
as such it's excluded from this version
And here is a simple test/example file I wrote for it
Just simply reads from or writes a small sentence to a file
If you have any feedback go ahead and spit it away, it is nice to get feedback! But as I said this library is all I wanted it to be, as such I don't plan on making many changes
Why not upload it to GitHub as a small library?
Seems like it can be useful for others
Honestly I like it because you decided to keep it simple yet functional. and for its size it seems to be quite complete
Ah, I see. I personally didn't know if anyone would even use such a small library or find use in it. But you're correct, no sense in not uploading it
Added a few things
- "verdict" support, essentially just allowing the ability to take any number of arguments under one positional
- auto generate a help menu according to GNU standards
- flags now also allow callback functions to be ran if the flag is used
- callback functions will get passed information about the flag calling it, things like value (if applicable)
Expanded the readme a bit