PGSharp Bann or not ?

Hello, I've just received this message (it's my first). Am I permanently banned or punished? If so, for how many days? I can't connect right now, I'm getting a "connection failed" message You previously used the following account to connect to Pokemon GO: ** - Try again or try another account
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4 Replies
.kintsuki2y ago
It's a 24h ban. Usually as a result of going over the encounter limit. Did you have shiny check on while walking for long hours? Especially if you went faster that might have been the issue
WazaaaaOP2y ago
"Did you have shiny check on while walking for long hours?" yes
gandhiwarrior2y ago
@wazaaaa0538 did it get fixed? just got hit with mine
WazaaaaOP2y ago
for the moment no. I'll get back to you around 0h00 0h00 French time, in 2h30 Problem solved after 24 hours

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