Deleted my dns records accidentally now mails not working
Here are my dns records

4 Replies
Have I added any wrong records?
Depends on what Google wants you to add. I'm guessing you're using Gsuite/workspace?
Also depends what you mean by "mail not working". You can't receive mail? You can't send mail? You can't access your mail interface? Lot of options
Google Workspace MX record values - Google Workspace Admin Help
What are MX records?
When someone sends a message to [email protected], the sender's computer looks up the MX records for to figure out where to deliver that email message
Perhaps an easier way to go about fixing this would be using the Audit Logs: to recover your deleted records. You can search for changes to your specific domain and find the deletions, expand the event and see what they were before
Review audit logs · Cloudflare Fundamentals docs
Audit logs summarize the history of changes made within your Cloudflare account. Audit logs include account level actions like login and logout, as …
Its fixed now