running both cloudflared tunnel + warp client (zero trust)
Hi team, my plan is to use cloudflared tunnels on my pcs that my teams needs to access remotely. I was also intending them to have the WARP client installed on each and logged into Zero Trust (for gateway rules/automatic authentication). Seems like these two don’t play well together, cloudflared tunnel disconnects when the WARP client connects. Is there any way someone has configured both a tunnel and a warp client to play nicely? Thanks
4 Replies
You can use private networking in the tunnel instead of a public hostname
There's more info about it in the docs
Thanks @sohamjain my use case is a Warp Client connecting to another Warp Client using private networks, both PCs also have cloudflared installed and private networks set. The docs refer to Server has cloudflared and Client has Warp, which works when set up that way, but not when both are installed on both machines. Any ideas?
Zero Trust > Settings > Network > Firewall

You can still add cloudflared as a "backup" in the event the tunnel gets turned off for any reason