C#17mo ago

✅ Why this insta close program

So when i add if (nrM <= 0) with back(); my program close instantly after start. Let me know why first in order console.readline() not work even if later in program is hidden problem, till i not type value should work. And other question can i use back(); like i want here to start from begining its my favourite method so if possible i want this way Sorry i ask simple question like this i know i can easy find how to fix but i want understand why this not work static void Main(string[] args) { void back() { short maxValue = short.MaxValue; Console.WriteLine("Type nr from 1 to " + maxValue); short nrM = short.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (nrM > maxValue) { Console.WriteLine("You type too big nr we set it to max possible value: " + maxValue); nrM = maxValue; }if (nrM <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("You type nr smaller than 1, Choose again."); back(); } for (short i = nrM; i > 0; i--) { Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.ReadLine(); } }
4 Replies
i guess you have a stack overflow? you can chek the crash in event viewer or just debug it...
FasteOP17mo ago
i just start programming in C# 2 hours ago i use visual studio 2022 ahh stack overflow is website nvm
Anu6is17mo ago
Two things 1. As a beginner you should learn how to use the debugger. Stepping through your code helps you see exactly what's going on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/debugger-feature-tour 2. You can't use back() like that.... take it out of main and call it from main
FasteOP17mo ago

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