Cloudflare Zero Trust WARP client cannot open in Windows 11
I have created a VPN tunnel at CloudFlare dashboard successfully, and I installed WARP client fine on my Windows 11 PC. When I installed the WARP client I logged in with my Cloudflare zero trust account.
Once I reboot my Windows pc, I cannot open the Warp Client on my PC anymore.
I can see it running in Windows task manager as a background process.
I checked my PC firewall, WARP is an allowed app.
I rebooted the PC, and still cannot open the WARP client interfece so I can check settings, and do Connect and Disconnect.
32 Replies
Did you check the taskbar for the

@dubzz. Yes, I did.
I added Cloudflare icon to the taskbar.
Well, if you click said icon, it should show the user interface. If it doesn't, try reinstalling.
@dubzz. I click on it and it does not show. I have reinstalled it at least 5 times
Still same issue?
Yes, still not resovled
What version you have?
Windows version
Windows 11 pro
Also everything up to date?
When was the last Warp update?
the day I posted this request for help at this discord
I meaned the last time where you updated the warp client
Or do you mean that?
It was last updated on 9/5
Ah okay
And it's on our home computer right?
Try to do this:
1) open windows powershell as administrator
2) write winget update
3) winget upgrade --all
With this you can update all your programs. Prob. A outdated lib or so
And I also lurk into Google for some fixes
let me try it
Can you open it or does it also don't open?
I can install the Warp easily
When I try to run it, it never open a window
But I can see it in the task list as a background process
<:0047k3lly_think:938073272409538571> that's very weird
Do you have any anti viruses installed?
I was able to see the warp window a few times before
But I never see it again, I don't know why
I tried to remove and reinstall a few times
Now I can reinstall it, but never be able to config it
Since no warp window can be opened
I will see if I can do it on another Windows VM I have
Are you working at Cloudflare?
Nope lol
Thanks for your help
I am not sure if CloudFlare Warp is compatible with the latest windows 11 pro
I will try to find a windows 10 machine to try it
It should be
I use warp in my work and I coded a update script so even if I should know it lol
*except your an insider then f