[name].app or [name]api.com

I am trying to make an API for a game I like and I need to choose a domain to host it on. Should I just choose [name].app or [name]api.com. I'm open to other suggestions of course let me now. If using [name].app the endpoints would be api.[name].app docs.[name].app If using [name]api.com the endpoints would be [name]api.com/api or api.[name]api.com [name]api.com/docs or docs.[name]api.com
2 Replies
zegevlier2y ago
This is just personal preference, but I would go with the api.[name].TLD one. Having [name]api.[TLD] seems a bit odd to me But both would be just fine, it's only a slight preference
potatoOP2y ago
aight thanks!

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