Srv Record
So im trying to setup a srv record for my minecraft server and im not sure how and all of the tutorials are 3+ years old please help
7 Replies
don't think minecraft SRV Records have changed in a good 10 years or so, dash might look slightly different but mostly the same for DNS Records at least.
There's a community guide for it here:
plus many other online. Nothing too complicated, just make sure your server can be reachable via Public IP outside of your network first
Cloudflare Community
Deprecated - Creating DNS Records in Cloudflare for a Minecraft Server
This tutorial is deprecated in favour of Manage DNS records · Cloudflare DNS docs ArchivePlease select the type of setup you require, on your root domain or on a subdomain Root domain, e.g. Add an A record for your root domain or @ and point it to the IP address of your Minecraft server. Make sure it is set to :grey: ...
what would i use to connecrt


you put it on the
subdomain, so you'd use you!