Error when trying to get file from r2 via wrangler

home@portaltree ~ % npx wrangler r2 object get myobject/image.png
⛅️ wrangler 3.6.0
Downloading "image.png" from "myobject".

✘ [ERROR] Failed to fetch /accounts/ACCOUNT ID/r2/buckets/myobject/objects/image.png - 400: Bad Request);

If you think this is a bug then please create an issue at
home@portaltree ~ % npx wrangler r2 object get myobject/image.png
⛅️ wrangler 3.6.0
Downloading "image.png" from "myobject".

✘ [ERROR] Failed to fetch /accounts/ACCOUNT ID/r2/buckets/myobject/objects/image.png - 400: Bad Request);

If you think this is a bug then please create an issue at
1 Reply
potatoOP2y ago
also when i try to access it via workers on local with miniflare it says the object wasnt found
const object = await env.BUCKET.get('image.png');
if (object === null) {
console.log("doesn't exist image");
} else {
console.log(typeof object);

const list = await env.BUCKET.list();
const object = await env.BUCKET.get('image.png');
if (object === null) {
console.log("doesn't exist image");
} else {
console.log(typeof object);

const list = await env.BUCKET.list();
[mf:inf] Updated and ready on
doesn't exist image
[mf:inf] GET /__scheduled 200 OK (12ms)
[mf:inf] Updated and ready on
doesn't exist image
[mf:inf] GET /__scheduled 200 OK (12ms)
I hate myself i accidentaly put a _ instead of a - in my bucket name in wrangler.toml 😭

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