mfad2y ago

Please Help

I need help with my clothing. I would like people to choose what clothing works well together. These are all stuff I own and or getting soon. There are overalls in there and a black turtle neck, those are hard to see. I'm white, I've got brown hair that's really curly, and I'm 5,7, if that helps.
13 Replies
MemphisOP2y ago
Those are all of my photos
book2y ago
It’s a bit much for us to go through your whole wardrobe dude. Why not put a few outfits on, take pictures, and put them in #outfit-feedback? It will be far easier for us to help you that way
MemphisOP2y ago
i mean to only ask for a single outfit. i'm not asking for someone to look through it all and pick out a lot of stuff like something someone can quickly breeze through and pick out
I’ll do it for $50 per fit that I pick out
rej2y ago
Honestly everything here is pretty much on the same color palette. You could close your eyes and grab 3 items and they'd probably go together
MemphisOP2y ago
50 per fit is insane yeah pretty much. ty
book2y ago
It's a little hard to assess what will go well because it's impossible to tell how these things fit on you through flat pictures. Like, in theory, the black varsity jacket, the white button up shirt, the black jeans, and white AF1s should go together, but if the fit is off on one or more of the items the outfit might not actually look good, you dig?
You’re asking for a lot of work and as was noted above, hard to tell if something will work if you’re not wearing the fit
MemphisOP2y ago
yeah i got you not worth 50 dollars per fit kinda work
rej2y ago
Would recommend putting your clothes on your body and deciding if you like the way they look then lol
Halo2y ago
Things can also be worn differently and work or not work based on that alone so yeah- wearing some stuff and asking what's best is the way to get (useful) responses
Cenci2y ago
I think everything works with everything in that wardrobe all giving the same vibe you should get an iron though

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