The Workers runtime failed to start on Fedora Linux

Hello! I'm deploying a vanilla Astro website using pages. I'm now trying to connect that website to a D1 instance. When I start wrangler, I see an error stating that "✘ [ERROR] MiniflareCoreError [ERR_RUNTIME_FAILURE]: The Workers runtime failed to start. There is likely additional logging output above." The D1 binding I set up in the console is properly registered locally, and there are no additional logs related to the startup failure. I'm currently running the cloudflare plugin in advanced mode. I've attempted to follow these instructions to no avail: - - I'm running Fedora Linux 38, wrangler 3.6.0, astro 3.0.7, and version 7.0.1 of the astro cloudflare plugin.
Deploy an Astro site · Cloudflare Pages docs
Astro is an all-in-one web framework for building fast, content-focused websites. By default, Astro builds websites that have zero JavaScript runtime …
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2 Replies
san4dOP2y ago
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san4dOP2y ago
I cleared all of my processes and am able to get the binding working on wrangler 3.6.0. However, it only works with prebuilt assets (pnpm build && wrangler pages dev ./dist). I haven't gotten it working with hot reloading, as suggested in the documentation (wrangler pages dev --compatibility-date=2023-08-14 --proxy 3000 -- astro dev)

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