Outfit ideas
I'm looking to redo my wardrobe a lot and would really appreciate some help. One of the outfits that I wear that I like is: Orig Beige Chino Shorts, a Dark Blue White Ringer T-Shirt and a Tan Leather Belt.
7 Replies
Do you have a budget, things you are interested in trying, a location that affects what you can buy/try on?
Guess you could try a white/off white tee, some navy shorts and a leather belt? Maybe even a Breton stripe tee.
My budget is about £300-400, I would like to get more clothing that's the same kind of style stated above and I live in the UK
I was thinking about getting a pair of pink Chino shorts with a black belt
Next/John Lewis/m&s have tons of clothes like you listed above and there's at least one of them in most larger towns, alongside H&M etc. If you're close to London/Manchester/Birmingham there's the darling of "cheap but ok" Uniqlo.
You probably don't need a black belt for casual outfits.
I was looking at these earlier for Next
What colour would you recommend?
What do you think about light blue?
If you like you could try that.
Thank you for your help