"Couldn't resolve URL vjarme."
Unable to join server after 2 hours of trying.
I dont know what this means, dont know how to fix it, and I dont know why its happening all of a sudden. Someone help please

20 Replies
CFX is currently having issues, you’ll need to wait on a fix
Getting the same issue
FiveM is down
broooo I wanna 

If we had a direct IP we could probably join
Thats not a direct IP
Thats a fivem shortcut
Which would take you into the server, you still wouldn’t be able to connect until CFX fixes the issues they’re having
No you'd be able to connect. FiveM is just having a DNS issue with there proxy.
i can connect to other servers just not rsm
I can't connect to any of them.
5m isn't down still and even I can't connect to It I was on other servers just fine
when is this shit gonna get fixed
other people are playing
current fix that works for me
in FiveM, press F8, type one of the following depending on which server you want
server 1: connect
server 2: connect
be sure to exclude “server 1/2”
Hello i cant join the server i have waited for 1 hour almost
Press F8 while in FiveM menu & Type connect vjarme (Server 1) wqxomp for Server 2
ive seen this for 1 hour now