
Hi i setup Cloudflare tunnel service and its working great, the questions is, my domain for example Josef.com in tunnel i should add example.josef.com is there a way to keep it josef.com? even if its paid service at less i want to know if there is a better way and thanks.
30 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
Kind of confused on what you are asking but if you want your tunnel to handle connects to example.josef.com then it needs to have that in the public hostname
josef99713mo ago
so there is no way to remove the Subdomain ? i want to use the domain without Subdomain if there is a chance to use that in tunnel
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
Oh yeah you can make the public hostname the apex domain
josef99713mo ago
how to do that ?
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
Leave the subdomain part blank when adding a public hostname
josef99713mo ago
okay i will try it now and there is an issue happened i will take screen shot
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
If you already have a DNS record for you apex then you will need to remove it
josef99713mo ago
i dont have dns record for apex i just add the name servers for cloudflare yesterday and connected to tunnel Error getting DNS record for smart.josef-home.online:e225d32a-8b98-4c89-962d-2ec9f2297087.cfargotunnel.com when i kept it blank
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
Are you creating one or editing one?
josef99713mo ago
i edit then i add when i add its works fine the only issue now remaining the routes stuck on subdomain home.josef-home.online showing like this https://josef-home.online/#/ the website working perfectly !
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
Yeah there can be some weirdness when editing an existing because it wants to be the source of truth when changing DNS records
josef99713mo ago
yes i see that last thing remaining please for example this is for my smart home when i click on any appliction for example home assistance it move to this port http://josef-home.online:8123/ should i add it in tunnle to open it ? it wont open online
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
8123 is not a support proxy port by Cloudflare https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/reference/network-ports/. Your best bet would be to change it to a supported one
josef99713mo ago
i cant changed them becuase its related to app
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
Then I would try a new public hostname that points to the port
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