mfad2y ago

Picking out a light jacket...

Hi, all. My current wardrobe is small, and I'm looking to expand it with my first Nice Jacket (before this I usually wore hoodies or ill-fitting cardigans which I've since thrown away.) However, I'm having trouble with figuring out what types to get to match with my existing wardrobe. I already have a lot of blue and denim pieces, so blue chore coats or denim jackets--while nice pieces on their own--seem to be repetitive & not versatile in my wardrobe. Any alternative suggestions for a workwear type piece that I can wear for cool Fall weather? (I live in the South so it doesn't get super cold here). Budget is around 100$-200$. I live in the US. Very open to secondhand options.
5 Replies
Viễn Hắc
Viễn Hắc2y ago
Universal works
Bigelow2y ago
Get a secondhand barbour
booktroll2y ago
You could get something like this sweet corduroy ranch coat: https://www.ebay.com/itm/295874051492?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=DVpvEYYPRHS&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=niN1rYhxRoC&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY or all kinds of vintage Lee, Levi, or Wrangler jackets in different colors/materials other than blue denim (brown corduroy, etc.). All easily findable for around $100 on ebay (adding "usa" to your seach is an easy way to filter to older stuff that was still well constructed). Military surplus is another great way to go if you want a sweet bomber or whatever: https://universal-surplus.com/collections/surplus-coats-jackets Spier and Mackay have Harrington jackets on sale for like 140 right now. And of course there are tons of vintage brown canvas chore coats from Carhartt, etc., on Ebay.
Vintage LEE Storm Rider Sherpa Lined Corduroy Western Ranch Coat US...
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage LEE Storm Rider Sherpa Lined Corduroy Western Ranch Coat USA 48 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Universal Surplus
Vintage military jacket , coats and raincoats from the army.
Vintage original military jackets and coats from us army and European surplus. We are selling field jackets, jungle jackets, chore jacket mostly made from cotton. We have partners worldwide, warehouse surplus in sweden, best military shop in germany to find only the best clothes an sell them in our store soon in paris.
Universal Works Baker’s jacket in olive or something similar
baekOP2y ago
Thank you all so much for the information!

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