trying to visit but blocked by cloudflare, happens on other sites

I have a dynamic ip and I think an IP that has been previously been used to do malicious things has been swapped to mine. I think I'm on cloudflares block list. How do I resolve this issue? I heard it's really hard to contact cloud flare support and I can't find a support number to call. I've already tried calling my ISP and they recommended to turn off the router overnight to hopefully get another IP. I will be doing this tonight but was wondering if there was anything else I can do in the meantime
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2 Replies
Unsmart17mo ago
Theres nothing you can do beyond emailing the specific sites you are blocked on because it is their security rules blocking you.
Akama Aka
Akama Aka17mo ago
Looks like a script running on the Websites Frontend includes some SQL related things or so that triggers Cloudflare WAF, that's to 99% a issue from the website developers Oh okay Yea, I thought theres another one if you're IP blocked or so but thanks

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