Astro build caching

It’s actually .astro, but yes 🙂
46 Replies
Jacob2y ago
@itsmatteomanf What does an Astro project need for it to generate the .astro folder? I created a project with npm create astro@latest but building doesn't seem to generate the .astro folder anywhere Found this: Looks like I need a "content collection"
Hello, I’m Allie!
IIRC, that is only for caching Content Collection Types, so there might be something else for triggering the build cache…
Jacob2y ago
I was under the impression that Matteo had other stuff that can be cached via .astro - is it only types?
Hello, I’m Allie!
Found it: node_modules/.astro
Hello, I’m Allie!
Astro Documentation
Configuration Reference
Build faster websites with less client-side JavaScript.
Jacob2y ago
Ah! hmmm I wonder why I don't have a node_modules/.astro maybe the blog template doesn't have anything cachable?
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
It’s used only for image caching, so you need to add an image anywhere (using their component)
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
Astro Documentation
Learn how to use images in Astro.
Jacob2y ago
How long does your project take to build? Trying to get a sense for how much benefit caching astro could have
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
For a non-optimized image, especially if remote, it’s 1s per image even with it cached on Cloudflare. It can go up or down depending on the time it takes to load it.
Jacob2y ago
Do you happen to have a project you could share privately to test with?
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
I currently serve basically optimized images and it would go from 3 minutes to 30s It used to be even worse given it did the same lower bound with unoptimized images, but started at like 6 minutes (locally), which Pages slowed to 12-22 minutes (didn’t understand the difference in runs, tbh) I could, yeah. Gonna DM you later 😉
Jacob2y ago
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
@geostyx do note that Astro allows for changing that folder, so if you want to create a folder which is cached and people can use, it’s supported. Automatic is always nice, but just in case.
Jacob2y ago
Could potentially always cache .cache <:neocat_think:1139306117353193512> but that kinda feels like adding config in a backwards way Do you happen to know if caching dist in Astro is useful? Or does it always overwrite anyway?
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
It’s deleted as soon as the build starts 🙂 They are implementing an incremental build option, not sure exactly what folder they’d use, but I’m presuming the same as the images?
Jacob2y ago
Cool, will stick to .astro and node_modules/.astro
Hello, I’m Allie!
No idea if this is planned, but it would be cool for the framework selector to have default cache locations for each framework
Jacob2y ago
What do you mean?
Hello, I’m Allie!
So like, if I select Astro as my framework in the project setup, it will automatically add node_modules/.astro to my cached directories
Jacob2y ago
There's currently no config for what directories get cached. It's all detected at build time. For example, if astro is in your package.json and node_modules/.astro exists, it will cache node_modules/.astro
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
So I presume the cache wasn't caching all of node_modules, then?
Jacob2y ago
Yes it does
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
So... why didn't my project see that node_modules/.astro/ and it totally ignored the cache? 🤔 It works perfectly locally, so it's definitely not Astro.
Jacob2y ago
Could you try doing ls -lh node_modules/.astro at the start of your build command?
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
Doing it now 🙂 It helps I already have a ./ script set-up ahah
Jacob2y ago
and DM me the deploy ID if you don't mind
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
1be71ab3-0538-4a74-99ac-9847f0cfa1ce It's showing 80k, which is definitely small... Ohhh, wait. It's a subfolder. The folder is there.
2023-09-05T19:16:51.370462492Z total 80K
2023-09-05T19:16:51.370532511Z drwxr-xr-x 2 buildbot root 80K Sep 4 13:40 assets
2023-09-05T19:16:51.370462492Z total 80K
2023-09-05T19:16:51.370532511Z drwxr-xr-x 2 buildbot root 80K Sep 4 13:40 assets
Jacob2y ago
hmmm, can you do one more with ls -lhR?
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
That one is still building, but gonna abort it lul the files exist. 🤔 7b3a7136-1dff-47ba-bc57-9432f8b41059
Jacob2y ago
I see it's a bunch of .json files - does it store the images somewhere else?
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
No, it's saved in there in the JSON, it's weird lul remote images)
Jacob2y ago
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
There should be a expires key in the JSON object which is used to invalidate it if the Cache-Control headers expire.
Jacob2y ago
Maybe those are outdated - when we implemented node_modules caching, we weren't expecting it to cache build output. So it only saves that directory when your package-lock.json changes
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
Ohhh, then yes. That's what is happening.
Jacob2y ago
Maybe you could try changing something in your package lock, run 2 more builds, and see if the second is faster?
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
Gonna try. Maybe there is an update somewhere lul were updates, running it now. Had to remove the ls as the folder doesn't exist anymore now, given the cache is ignored. Oh, wait. It's not using it locally either, anymore. Something is wrong in the Cache-Control headers, I guess. Let me check. @geostyx so yeah, there is a bug in Astro not using the cache now lul sent a PR. It's gonna be merged soon, I bet ahah
Jacob2y ago
oop haha. It's ok, I had to put that down for a bit as it's blocked on some other internal work around build caching
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
My PR was merged already, let's just say a PR like this is easy to validate OMEGALUL And it's also quite a bug. I presume a release is actually coming soon. More precisely, it was using the cache. Just for expired items, and not valid ones ahah
Jacob2y ago
great catch!
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
I almost went insane, there was nothing looking wrong... then it dawned on me, it clicked and I was like: waaaaait that is the wrong way around ahah Adding this here, I presume this node_modules/.astro/ folder is gonna end up in the build output caching saving logic? Doesn't make sense to save it only on package-lock.json changes.
Jacob2y ago
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
I didn't post it, but 🎉
No description
itsmatteomanfOP2y ago
10m+ to 1m 55s 😄
Jacob2y ago

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