How much will my domain cost per year should I transfer it to cloudflare?
I have a domain,, and godaddy has been quite expensive and is charging me $40 every two years. I already use cloudflare to handle the nameservers, but I was wondering how much it would cost me exactly per year should I transfer registrars?
Also what would be the cost of transferring?
2 Replies
It depends on the TLD for you domain, but Cloudflare provides domains at cost. The cost of transfering is 1 year of your domain. You basially renew it
.com's are renewing for what... $9.30-something?
You can check in the Domain Registrar screen. There's a link that says ".com pricing is changing blah blah click here"
it has a list
do it now begore it goes up 62 cents on 9/1... @lannuked