do you think we can get a CNAME record
do you think we can get a CNAME record from
? it would allow us to use the url$ISO_FILE_NAME
to get the ISOs from the bucket17 Replies
cc @marcoceppi
What is wasabisys?
S3-compatible storage provider
These guys:
can we do shared admin like we have for the arm builder so we're not bus factored?
Before we can point a CNAME, we'll need to make sure either Jorge or myself have admin on the system and that the billing is setup through Jorge. Preferrable the account is owned by Jorge
hey we can cost-limit wasabi right?
like if it blows up I won't wake up with a nix-like bill? 😄
It's a security and longevity issue. If the bucket goes away there's a potential that another account could hijack the S3 target. If we're distributing ISOs need to make sure we secure what / who uploads to it
I am hoping to convince fcix to mirror our ISOs
We can yeah, you could create the new bucket and take care of the admin stuff
mm I don't think any of the s3 providers does that, but the bill is based on storage only - you can get alerts based on utilization (and set an expiration policy to avoid issues with lingering artifacts)
oh ok
I'm pretty slammed today but over lunch or after work I can bust this out - I set this up for myself a while back and forgot, this is how it works
let me know if you need help or anything 🙂
ok it's all set, I've got it in my account, we've got the proper bucket policies in place, so that's all good to go
trying to find shared account info for you marco but will sort that after work
whats next steps here?
Jorge created the bucket and created access keys and we put them in the repo secrets for the main repo
I think they actually limit public access now since a couple months ago so Jorge reached out to them
To see if we can actually enable it in his account
(I guess mine is grandfathered in)
Not sure if he heard back from them, if they can enable the access then we just need a cname record to have a pretty url
waiting on them still
but they acked my ticket