Could not resolve a bunch of packages
Hi, I am trying to make a simple thing to send requests thru an authenticated proxy, but for some reason when I try to build, I get a bunch of errors.
I get this error but for
and of course, worker_threads
7 Replies
This started to happen after I added this snippet
wrangler.toml has node_compat set to true
I am still having this problem. It seems to only happen when i import undici
Workers doesn’t support threads or Undici, even with node_compat
Oh. How could I use a proxy then? I was told I should use undici to send proxy requests with workers…
You can use proxies over HTTP(S)
How so?
I specifically need to be able to use auth with the proxy, so if cf can’t support that, i’m gonna have an issue xd
Nvm, I've apparently used a weird proxy.
Looks like it should be able to work, but you may have to write your own proxy connector(since you have to use Workers' fetch rather than Undici), and you can't use threads.