browser rendering to stream

I want to capture Cloudflare browser rendering & make it available in Cloudflare stream, is there any way to do it now or any plans for the same ? note. audio is also desired
1 Reply
Chaika2y ago
You'd have better luck asking in #browser-rendering-api-beta I doubt it though, it's not really aimed that way, it's more like managed puppeteer, meant for automated flows and such to my understanding. It seems what you would be offer is more like Cloudflare's Browser Isolation they offer for Zero Trust users, but not to that extent either.
The Cloudflare Blog
Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta
The Workers Browser Rendering API allows developers to programmatically control and interact with a headless browser instance and create automation flows for their applications and products. Today we enter the open beta and start onboarding our customers.

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