Instant Logs logs 200 and 502 even though the browser is accessing the site normally
When I access any page, I get 200 and 504 in the instant log.
The page can be viewed normally as 200 in the browser.
This is not certain, but it seems that some users encounter the 520 error and if they do not delete their browser cache, etc. it appears to be on almost every page.

2 Replies
If you click on the 504, you can expand it to get a lot more details. If your users aren't encountering errors, perhaps it's early hints, which can cause that sometimes I believe.
You could tell based off the details when you expand it, ex:
If it is Early hints:
Not sure what exactly it's related to, some interesting things in that thread, looks like it could just be an analytics bug though
Yeah it was early hint and it's disappeared after turning off it
The cf_chl_rc_m cookie does not have a valid value for the "SameSite" attribute. Soon cookies without the "SameSite" attribute or with an invalid value for it will be treated as "Lax". As a result, the cookie is no longer sent to contexts belonging to a third party. If your application requires the cookie in these contexts, please add the attribute "SameSite=None" to it. For more information about the "SameSite" attribute, see v1:1:155583
[HTTP/3 520 No Reason Phrase 562ms]
a user facing 520 found this on network tool when accessing the site
what is this and is there what i can do this error?