6 Replies
I think a darker brown or black shoe would look better because the contrasting colours of navy and tan draw the eyes down to your feet, which isn't what you want with a suit. With a suit your outfit is meant to draw the attention towards your face, which is your most distinctive part
do you think there is any suit color that would go good with these shoes?
Any light colour would probably go, so cream, tan, or any shade of brown. The key is for the shoes not to create a big contrast to your suit. That being said, you see tons of tan shoes with navy suits, so you wouldn't necessarily be wrong, but if you want to go the extra step, then it would be worth considering non-contrasting shoes
I have a light grey suit on the way. Hopefully it doesn’t create a big contrast. Thanks for the explanation!
My pleasure!
Agreed with above. I'd prefer darker shoes with navy. Lighter shoes go better with lighter suits or trousers.