
4 Replies
Skript Hub - Documentation
RGB Color (Expression) - TuSKe
Returns the rgb color of item stack or color. You can set these values only for item stacks, in this case, leather armors. The RGB color returns a list with 3 numbers and the other expressions returns which one separated.
Skript Hub - Documentation
rgb (Function) - Skript
Returns a RGB color from the given red, green and blue parameters.
これと一緒に使おう https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=4013
Skript Hub - Documentation
Colour Items (Effect) - Skript
Colours items in a given colour. You can also use RGB codes if you feel limited with the 16 default colours. RGB codes are three numbers from 0 to 255 in the order (red, green, blue), where (0,0,0) is black and (255,255,255) is white. Armor is colourable for all Minecraft versions. With Minecraft 1.11 or newer you can also colour potions and map...
tomo_25OP2y ago

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