White space - no wrap issue
Mat table , table cell content gets hidden
Am trying to display a list of countries in a cell . Initially , I show 2 countries and on clicking 'View All' , will display rest of them . When I display rest of them , onlt the countries fit in cell are getting displayed .
I want the table cell height to unjust accrding to the content of the cell .
<div *ngIf="countries.length" class="breakdown-cell">
<span *ngFor="let countryValue of countries |slice:0:element.initialLocations" class="breakdown-value"
>{{countryValue }}</span
<div *ngIf="countries.length>element.initialLocations" class="breakdown-cell">
<span class="breakdown-value" *ngIf="!element.canExpandCountry"
>+ {{countries.length - element.initialLocations}} more</span
<span class="view-more" *ngIf="!element.canExpandCountry" (click)="viewAllLocations(element)">View All</span>
<span class="view-more" *ngIf="element.canExpandCountry" (click)="viewAllLocations(element)">Hide All</span>
<div *ngIf="!countries.length">
Here initialLocations is 2 , canExpandCountry is false by default

1 Reply
Solved with min-height & align-self: stretch