Steam Onscreen Keyboard cant type certain Symbols

Hiya. I also had this Issue with Nobara on the Deck. The Keyboard just cant type certain Symbols with the Onscreen Keyboard like @ [ ] { } | and so on. Any Idea what could cause this? OS is set to German btw. Keyboard itself too. And Onscreen Keyboard in Steam as well. Also only happens on Desktop. Works fine in GamepadUI. As this also happend to me on Nobara this sounds a bit like a Fedora Issue to me. Since I am not so well versed with Fedora I need a bit of help on that one.
4 Replies
Radu2y ago
Hey! Not a big expert here but it sounds like a desktop environment thing. Are you using Gnome, KDE, something else? The issue might be with the onscreen keyboard software itself.
n1GHTOP2y ago
I am on the Deck Image. So KDE. But for some reason... It works now? Dont ask me what I did. Set up a lot of things and now suddenly it just works.
RodoMa922y ago
Same if using desktop wayland. Extest is a little bit bugged. If you have recently updated, wayland has been toggled off this morning, therefore that's why it's working now. The xtest tool that the Steam Client relies to inject events is not available on Wayland, and extest is a replacement for it, but it seems to miss specific events like tab and special keys. I might take a look at it.
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo2y ago
What rodoma said, for now disable Wayland desktop

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