12 Replies
pretty :PotaLove: it would be perfect if the window can change into night time
That would be sooooooo pretty
Omg i love it
I feel like going your Room to play every day It's gorgeous
This is awesome! :PotaLove: Can I share this in my community and mention your username for credits?
Thanks!Sure thing.
Can i share too?
How do you get the ravenclaw furnitures
Ravenclaw is my house so I just went to my Wizard’s space to buy it from the house elf. After I bought the Ravenclaw set, the other house sets were available in the shop to buy.
…what if you dismiss the house elf and exited before you could purchase the set? Where can I find them? Lol
:scarediemaomi: :scarediemaomi: have you checked your shop for it? Maybe you can try a friend with the elf in their space or you’ll might have to wait for the elf to show up in your space again.