Application Dark mode on a system which sets to light mode
Hi Friends,
I have created a web app with a feature to change light/dark mode. for this i am using a 2 different sets of css (light and dark).
but i notices when i use this feature on windows computer and changes the mode to dark. the Select tag (dropdown list option background) is not looking fine.
Actually. i am changing all dark text to light. ans usually all dropdown option has only light background (at least for me) so in dark mode my text is now on white background and it has also white color .. so now visible... and i seen this issue only on window computers..
how to solve this?
2 Replies
i eprsonally use the for my dark mode. This is accepted generally on all browsers and its based on the systemstheme
Are you using
color-scheme: light dark;
and then setting your styles like .hero { background-color: white black; color: black white; }