host domain pointed to ip and port without just redirecting
i wanna point my host domain to my webservers ip and port without using a uri record because that just redirects and you see the ip and port. i wanna just see my domain name
8 Replies
You want an origin rule with destination port override.
Available Origin Rules settings · Cloudflare Rules docs
The following sections describe the available settings in Origin Rules.
brain not understanding
You can make an rule that changes the destination port so if your app is running on 3000 you can point to that and still connect to Cloudflare on 443
i dont understand can u help my dumbass
im new to cloudflare
There’s a guide for creating the rule.
Create an origin rule in the dashboard · Cloudflare Rules docs
Create rules that adjust incoming requests, change Cloudflare settings, or trigger actions.
I don’t know what part you are missing
my dumbass is god damn lost
my website is down
and i dont know what to do
1. Make a DNS record that you want to use for your site. Make sure it is
2. Create a new Origin rule following the guide above and to change the destination port to what matches your server