question abt email forwarding
hey, i'm using cloudflare to manage DNS and forward emails from my domain to my gmail account. I made a forwarding address [email protected] to move some of my accounts to it. i wanted to do something like [email protected] (this would work for plain gmail) for my microsoft account, but i saw that the email from microsoft was dropped instead of being forwarded to my gmail. any way to set up a forwarding like accounts+<anything>
4 Replies
Signs such “+” and “.” are treated as normal characters for custom addresses Email Routing does not have advanced routing options. Characters such as + or ., which perform special actions in email providers like Gmail and Outlook, are currently treated as normal characters on custom addresses. More flexible routing options are in our roadmap. You could set up a wildcard so everything goes to your email. If you wanted more specific address based routing, you'd have to create your own in an email worker
by wildcard you mean changing this to "send to an email"?

yes, that would make all email that doesn't match go to a specific address, letting you do that kind of.
If you had mutiple destinations you wanted it for, ex
[email protected] and [email protected], you'd have to create your own routing in a email worker set up in a catch-all, but if there's only one dest. you want to use, you could just use the catch-all
i guess i'll just stick to catch-all, thanks