how can i make my first 1000$

i can code in html css javascript react js python typescipt, is there any way to make money online this is my portfolio
Web site created using create-react-app
1 Reply
Jochem2y ago
This channel isn't really for this type of topic, so I'm going to close this post. This channel is to help people with specific code related problems they're having. There's a bunch of threads in #discussions about finding your first job and about pricing your work for freelancers. We're not really set up to help people with that though. You're more than welcome to start a new thread there too. If you want someone to review your portfolio, you can post it in #showcase, or post it in #self-promotion if you just want to link it for people to see (though I see you already did that a bit ago, asking for a review. You'll get much more response in #showcase) @rachiddbaichi_16492 ^ Sorry, should've pinged you in the original message

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