addonpeds setup

can someone help me with setting up addonepeds. all the tutorials i am finding are either not in english or they are outdated
8 Replies
EZY2y ago
Are you wanting to setup a new ped from scratch? Custom look, clothing etc
flora2k23OP2y ago
custom look. for example loona from helluvaboss or krystal from starfox
EZY2y ago
I dont recall seeing those ped's available.
flora2k23OP2y ago
and i amn talking about loona in her hellhound form not her human form
EZY2y ago
There's a few anime ped's in there, but not them. You could suggest it here
flora2k23OP2y ago
heres an example of a krystal ped
No description
flora2k23OP2y ago
uhhh yeah i would if i had permission to type in that channel
Jify2y ago
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