✅ EF Core migrations at design time using Clean Architecture - .NET 7
I am currently working on a project using clean architecture with Blazor Server. I have my connection string inside the web project but I would like to create my db migrations inside the infrastructure project where my DbContext is sitting. I have a method that will run any outstanding migrations on project startup but when I want to manually create my migrations or update my database using
or update-database
. Each time I try this I get an error that it cannot create my DbContext and I should look at the design time on the MS docs. My way around this was creating a configbuilder inside of the infra project and adding a new appsettings.json file and it worked,
Is there a way in which I don't have to create a config builder inside my context factory referencing an appsettings.json file inside of the infra project?
When the project runs I am able to inject the connection string via the DI container and IOptions but this does not work when the project is not running.
19 Replies
Why are you using this factory at all?
Also, what is the error message and what have you tried?
When I had a look at the microsoft docs it recommended using this particular factory if I wanted to run migrations and when implementing it like it seems to work but I don't trust that this will work well when doing a deployment.
Error: Unable to create an object of type 'ApplicationDbContext'. For the different patterns supported at design time
You can simply do
await _context.Database.MigrateAsync()
You don't need a factory for that
Just create a scope and use GetRequiredService
or use this if you feel like using it:
https://github.com/thomaslevesque/Extensions.Hosting.AsyncInitializationI have that statement in my program.cs but when I add a new entity and try creating a migration for it, that's when it fails at times even if I have my web project as the startup project and have the EF Core Tools and EF Core Design packages installed
Can you show your Program.cs
I have an extensions class
in my infra DI container
then in my program.cs
This should have worked, and what exception are you getting?
Was not getting any exception except for the one when trying to create a migration in the terminal.
But for some odd reason when I added the context factory and added the configuration builder in the context I was able to create the migrations and update the database.
Before using the design factory I was using a normal db factory and this was not working
dotnet ef
in the CLI, as for the exception you were getting, did you have Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
in the Startup project?Yeah that was the first error I was getting then installed EF Core Design and then I got the error that it could not create object of type ApplicationDbContext
Can you try it again
with dotnet ef and also show the command you're using
dotnet ef migrations add TryingANewOne
pass an
dotnet ef migrations add {migration name} --project {Where your DbContext is} -o {Migrations FOlder} --startup-project {Your Api Project that has the .Design installed}
Are you using visual studio? rider? vscode
You can install an extension/plugin that offers a GUI for dotnet ef
It's much simplerWhen using Visual Studio I normally go for the package manager console which then allows me to just run
add-migration {migration name}
Well I use the GUI on Rider, I'm not sure what is the extension name for visual studio
but this command I sent should work
@tarcisioo That worked. Thank you so much but now does that mean I have to run this long long command each time I want to create a migration?
@tarcisioo Even
add-migration TryingToAddOne
just worked now. This is really weirdProbably has something to do with the startup project and the dbcontext project in visual studio
but nice
Thank you so much @tarcisioo 🙏🏽
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