High functions metrics figures

I have a website hosted on Cloudflare - https://tmdb.athena-designs.com According to the web analytics it has had 11 visits and 19 pageviews over the last 24 hours. The 'Functions Metrics' shows that I have exceeded my limit of 100,000 requests in that 24 hours. Could someone enlighten me why I would have over 100k request when i have minimal site visits?
TMDB on Sveltekit
A movie and tv app using the tmdb api on a sveltekit framework
1 Reply
Chaika2y ago
Web Analytics is a javascript beacon, like Google Analytics. Visits will only be counted if a browser loads the page, and executes the javascript. Your 100k requests per day is pooled across all workers/functions you have, not just this pages site. A lot of bots won't execute Javascript, or even clients who simply have adblocker on. If it's on a custom domain, I would check that zone/website's analytics and firewall events to see if there's anything of interest. Those are server-side and all traffic would be counted, unlike Web Analytics

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