counter up

please how can i add a counter up animation to my project?
8 Replies
xposedbones•2y ago
A quick and easy way to do that would be to use gsap to animate the numbers. GSAP can animate any object so you could do something like this
const element = document.querySelector('.yourCounter');

const count = {
value: 0
};, {
duration: 1,
ease: 'power4.out',
onUpdate: () => {
element.innerHTML = count.value;
const element = document.querySelector('.yourCounter');

const count = {
value: 0
};, {
duration: 1,
ease: 'power4.out',
onUpdate: () => {
element.innerHTML = count.value;
chinto11OP•2y ago
won't i also need a link for it in the head section?
xposedbones•2y ago
You’ll need to import gsap in your project
Frida•2y ago
const counter = document.getElementById('child'); let i = 0; let count = 0; while (i <= 10) { setInterval(() => { if (i <= 10) { counter.innerHTML = count += 1 i++; } }, 300); break } // You can replace i length with any array or string length HTML: <h1 id="main-title"> COUNTER <span id="child"></span> </h1> Good old plain vanilla js, no library import needed 🙂 DON'T forget to break 😉 You can adjust the count speed with the number behind the ',' in the setIntervall functions .. Or, if you don't want to deal with the loop: let count = 0; let int = setInterval(counting, 300); function counting() { count++; if (count > 15) { clearInterval(int) } counter.innerText = count } counting()
chinto11OP•2y ago
thanks a lot Frida
xposedbones•2y ago
You need to be careful with Frida's first answer, the setinterval is never cleared so it keeps running even when the count is done. I'm usually a no-useless-library kind of guy but if you have gsap already in your project I'd make use of it for this because it gives you a better control over the duration and easing of the count-up. If you use a setinterval to count up to 20k, it will take a really long to reach that amount.
If you want to not use a library, another way to do it would be to create a small lerp function and use a setinterval on that lerp(start, end, progress) where
start = value displayed on load (0)
end = value to count up to
progress = progress of the animation from 0 through 1 (0 = 0%, 1 = 100%)
start = value displayed on load (0)
end = value to count up to
progress = progress of the animation from 0 through 1 (0 = 0%, 1 = 100%)
function lerp(start, end, progress) {
return start + (end - start) * progress;
const span = document.querySelector('span');

let progress = 0;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
span.innerText = Math.round(lerp(0, 1000, progress));
progress += 0.01;
if (progress > 1) {
}, 50);
function lerp(start, end, progress) {
return start + (end - start) * progress;
const span = document.querySelector('span');

let progress = 0;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
span.innerText = Math.round(lerp(0, 1000, progress));
progress += 0.01;
if (progress > 1) {
}, 50);
chinto11OP•2y ago
i really appreciate the time and effort you put into this, truth is i'm a newbie who just got into tech, alot of this is beyond me, thanks once again, i'll try to understand and get back to you.
xposedbones•2y ago
I saw you added me in discord, feel free to ask any questions!

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