C#11mo ago

❔ Reordering of columns: (DevExpress/XAML)

How should I go about switching the order of these columns? I tried the following but did not work: 1. Switch code order 2. Swapped the visibleIndex 3. 1+2 combined 4. Changed the visibleIndex in the XAML and the properties tab
<dxg:GridColumn VisibleIndex="3" x:Name="fftdtfr" Header="{Resx fftdtfr}" FieldName="fftdtfr" utils:AbsoluteVisibleColumn.IsEnable="False" Width="120" Visible="{Binding Visibility.fftdtfr, Mode=TwoWay}" AllowEditing="{Binding Accessibility.fftdtfr, Converter={converters:BoolToBooleanDefaultConverter}, Mode=OneWay}" IsEnabled="{Binding Accessibility.fftdtfr, Converter={converters:BoolToBooleanDefaultConverter}, Mode=OneWay}" FilterPopupMode="Date">
<dxe:DateEditSettings Mask="dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" MaskType="DateTimeAdvancingCaret" MaskUseAsDisplayFormat="True" />
<dxg:GridColumn VisibleIndex="4" x:Name="fftdtto" Header="{Resx fftdtto}" FieldName="fftdtto" utils:AbsoluteVisibleColumn.IsEnable="False" Width="120" Visible="{Binding Visibility.fftdtto, Mode=TwoWay}" AllowEditing="{Binding Accessibility.fftdtto, Converter={converters:BoolToBooleanDefaultConverter}, Mode=OneWay}" IsEnabled="{Binding Accessibility.fftdtto, Converter={converters:BoolToBooleanDefaultConverter}, Mode=OneWay}" FilterPopupMode="Date">
<dxe:DateEditSettings Mask="dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" MaskType="DateTimeAdvancingCaret" MaskUseAsDisplayFormat="True" />
<dxg:GridColumn VisibleIndex="3" x:Name="fftdtfr" Header="{Resx fftdtfr}" FieldName="fftdtfr" utils:AbsoluteVisibleColumn.IsEnable="False" Width="120" Visible="{Binding Visibility.fftdtfr, Mode=TwoWay}" AllowEditing="{Binding Accessibility.fftdtfr, Converter={converters:BoolToBooleanDefaultConverter}, Mode=OneWay}" IsEnabled="{Binding Accessibility.fftdtfr, Converter={converters:BoolToBooleanDefaultConverter}, Mode=OneWay}" FilterPopupMode="Date">
<dxe:DateEditSettings Mask="dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" MaskType="DateTimeAdvancingCaret" MaskUseAsDisplayFormat="True" />
<dxg:GridColumn VisibleIndex="4" x:Name="fftdtto" Header="{Resx fftdtto}" FieldName="fftdtto" utils:AbsoluteVisibleColumn.IsEnable="False" Width="120" Visible="{Binding Visibility.fftdtto, Mode=TwoWay}" AllowEditing="{Binding Accessibility.fftdtto, Converter={converters:BoolToBooleanDefaultConverter}, Mode=OneWay}" IsEnabled="{Binding Accessibility.fftdtto, Converter={converters:BoolToBooleanDefaultConverter}, Mode=OneWay}" FilterPopupMode="Date">
<dxe:DateEditSettings Mask="dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" MaskType="DateTimeAdvancingCaret" MaskUseAsDisplayFormat="True" />
4 Replies
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese11mo ago
I'd expect reordering the xaml would work, but that sounds like you tried that first; wdym by switch code order though?
Accord11mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
Reed11mo ago
By that I meant switching the code order lines in the XAML file I assume it has something to do with DevExpress
Accord11mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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