C#11mo ago

✅ Could not load assembly UWP [Mysql Data] (Resolved alone)

Hello everyone. I reached something interesting this last hours. I can't work anymore on my project... Did someone know about this particular error ? I will provide all the information you need to help me if you want... I can't work and it's very unpleasant..
9 Replies
Chamase11mo ago
So cool I desinstalled a module and update my visual studio... And it fixed this problem... I think package is incompatible with my application... BUT Now I will busrt by keyboard in no time because it's bean 3 hours i'm with this error. I tryed everything...
Chamase11mo ago
Chamase11mo ago
InnerException = {"Could not load type 'System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext' from assembly 'System.Runtime.Loader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.":"System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext"} and i don't know what to do with that evil trap... And the fact is before the uptdate this function work...
Chamase11mo ago
Chamase11mo ago
maibe because off that shit (and sorry for my bad spelling I'm french btw) And somewear on internet (not far) I findet that :
Chamase11mo ago
Chamase11mo ago
but before my upate, it worked and i need those functionnalities from .net core WOW I FIND THE TRUTH It's JUST because a version of this shity sql library
Chamase11mo ago
Chamase11mo ago
I tried the world to find that X) So I had go back to 8.0.13 and it work prety well lmao I spend 8 hours and many fing on 2 computer with version testing and updating and so long to find that X) github is the god for me now ✅
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