C#11mo ago

✅ WPF thinks my collection has no items

It's a bit much to explain with full context, but the gist is: An Action has a Fields which has a list of Field.
public partial class ActionViewModel : ViewModelBase
[ObservableProperty] private FieldsViewModel _fields1;

public ActionViewModel(FxrModel.Action action)
_fields1 = new FieldsViewModel(action.Fields1);
public partial class ActionViewModel : ViewModelBase
[ObservableProperty] private FieldsViewModel _fields1;

public ActionViewModel(FxrModel.Action action)
_fields1 = new FieldsViewModel(action.Fields1);
public partial class FieldsViewModel : ViewModelBase
[ObservableProperty] private ObservableCollection<FieldViewModel> _fields;

public FieldsViewModel(List<FxrModel.Field> fields)
_fields = new ObservableCollection<FieldViewModel>();
public partial class FieldsViewModel : ViewModelBase
[ObservableProperty] private ObservableCollection<FieldViewModel> _fields;

public FieldsViewModel(List<FxrModel.Field> fields)
_fields = new ObservableCollection<FieldViewModel>();
public partial class FieldViewModel : ViewModelBase
[ObservableProperty] private FxrModel.Field _field;

public Fxr3.FieldType Type => _field.Type;

public object Value
get => _field.Value;
_field.Value = value;

public FieldViewModel(FxrModel.Field field)
_field = field;
public partial class FieldViewModel : ViewModelBase
[ObservableProperty] private FxrModel.Field _field;

public Fxr3.FieldType Type => _field.Type;

public object Value
get => _field.Value;
_field.Value = value;

public FieldViewModel(FxrModel.Field field)
_field = field;
Each of the viewmodels is bound to a View. ActionView has:
<Label Content="{Binding Fields1.Fields.Count}" ContentStringFormat="Fields1: {0}" />
<local:RawFieldsView DataContext="{Binding Fields1}" />
<Label Content="{Binding Fields1.Fields.Count}" ContentStringFormat="Fields1: {0}" />
<local:RawFieldsView DataContext="{Binding Fields1}" />
RawFieldsView has:
<Label Content="{Binding Fields.Count}" />
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Fields}">
<Label HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="{adonisUi:Space 0, 1.3, 1, 0}"
Content="{Binding Type}" />
<TextBox Margin="{adonisUi:Space 0, 1, 0, 0}" Text="{Binding Value }" />
<Label Content="{Binding Fields.Count}" />
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Fields}">
<Label HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="{adonisUi:Space 0, 1.3, 1, 0}"
Content="{Binding Type}" />
<TextBox Margin="{adonisUi:Space 0, 1, 0, 0}" Text="{Binding Value }" />
But no matter what, Fields.Count always displays 0, and the ItemsControl is empty. I have confirmed that the underlying ViewModels definitely have filled collections with stuff in them. There are definitely not 0 Fields in the Action. And yet, that's what WPF says! Any clues?
1 Reply
ivi11mo ago
Resolved by myself; caused by "intended" behavior. I had this combobox hooked up to replace the existing Action with a brandnew one when changed, but that change event fired immediately, causing them all to be replaced by new empty husks immediately. So all the binding was working fine.