ok this has to be a bug in `workerd`
ok, this has to be a bug in
this works:
but not this:
I mean, both abort, but the former (correctly) suppresses the error, and the latter still throws a ✘ [ERROR] Uncaught (async) DOMException
😦11 Replies
in case anyone searches discord in the future and finds this, i've reported this here: https://github.com/cloudflare/workerd/issues/1020
🐛 Bug Report — Runtime APIs — AbortSignal.timeout throws un-catchab...
try { fetch("https://example.com", { signal: AbortSignal.timeout(1) } } catch {} expectation: when the promise is awaited, the fetch is aborted, and any error thrown is suppressed via the...
that looks like js promise throw error cuz u didn't
nvm I'm not familiar with this. byelol
appreciate u
me, too
what? it is a bug
oh, that's just an error in the repro code
no, it won't
updated the issue description
correct; that's always been the issue. i just typed up that repro code quickly and missed the await
glad you pointed that out though
production as in
no it does not, good thought
will do! not the first time i've run into an issue like this
yup, the very latest wrangleri've also got this one where
fixes an issue, though this one is totally unrelated: https://github.com/cloudflare/miniflare/issues/651GitHub
miniflare segfaults during startup on Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) · Issue ...
npx wrangler dev --port $MC_SERVER_PORT --var MC_CONFIG_LOCAL_SUFFIX:$MC_CONFIG_LOCAL_SUFFIX LOG_LEVEL:$LOG_LEVEL GIT_SHA:$GIT_SHA [WebServer] ⛅️ wrangler 3.5.0 ------------------ [WebServer] ...
i already had the wrangler version in the issue but i just added the bit about --remote, thanks
Huh, I can't reproduce it personally
what OS did you test it on?
MacOS personally
It looks like Kenton replied and was also unable to reproduce it
mind trying with my updated code? reliably reproduces for me with the new minimal sample code i provided
ah, looks like another cloudflare engineer was able to reproduce it