C#β€’2y ago

βœ… Good obfuscators for protecting .NET WPF Application?

Hello, I have my my own small WPF Application, and I have noticed I can just open it up in something like DotPeek, and get the full source code back, is it possible to prevent this some other way than obfuscation? If not, what are some good obfuscators, I looked at some applications, which seem to make everyone across a lot of classes, and then giving all variables weird names etc. but, not sure which obfuscator do this. Thanks πŸ™‚
7 Replies
sibberβ€’2y ago
MODiXβ€’2y ago
"Then finally, there is that question of code privacy. This is a lost cause. There is no transformation that will keep a determined hacker from understanding your program. This turns out to be true for all programs in all languages, it is just more obviously true with JavaScript because it is delivered in source form. The privacy benefit provided by obfuscation is an illusion. If you don’t want people to see your programs, unplug your server." - Douglas Crockford https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/155133 * Spend your effort on putting proprietary things in your api, and keeping the distributed code as empty as possible * Use AuthN/AuthZ to control who/what/when/etc... * Free obfuscation is worth the amount your paid for it -- it's already broken and most decompilers out there can make sense of it. * Paid ofbuscation will bankrupt you unless you have a very strong revenue stream and can justify the additional cost with gained sales * The "threat" of someone hijacking your UI and shimming it to make it provide them money is not a real threat. If this is legitimate software, you can ruin their business with lawsuits - Cisien
Software Engineering Stack Exchange
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sibberβ€’2y ago
so if you dont want people to see your code, put it on a server and have the client communicate with it
the best way to "protect" your code is by licensing it.. done Unity engine is a plain C++ compiled engine but its protected by its license and many corporations pay in hundred thousands area money to see the source code even though they could decompile it there are many license "hunters" who just try to find people not following licenses, SIEM system is common in corporations which is basically a License governor to check if you covered all licenses in your corporation
sibberβ€’2y ago
MODiXβ€’2y ago
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sibberβ€’2y ago
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