Workers paid plan for small users?
I currently fit in the free tier because I run a few small pet projects that result in hundreds or thousands of invocations per month.
I thought I would start playing with Durable Objects and Queues, but those both require a paid plan, with a cost of $5/month.
I wanted to check my understanding -- even though my use will be small (and well below the 'free' tier limits), my costs would jump to a minimum of $5/mo, with billing for overages?
The reason I'm confirming is that I come from the AWS land, and the model there is "pay for what you use, no minimum cost/month". I find the developer ergonomics of CF a whole lot more, and I want to experiment moving more of my workflows over, but $5/mo is pretty steep for my hobbies.
6 Replies
That's correct, yes. Once you bump to a paid plan, you'll be on $5/m as a base cost
Cool, bummer. Is it likely queues and DOs will have a free tier at some point?
I've not heard anything, but never say never 🙂
Though note too that while AWS is pay-as-you-go, the rate for similar products is much higher. While that doesn’t help you if you want to stay within the free tier, it does mean if you do decide to upgrade to the Paid Plan, then you get a lot of requests included in the price, and further requests are a fair bit cheaper/faster
Oh, 100%. I genuinely think CF is better costs/ergonomics.
@totallygatsby you can also mix and match. I have cloudflare workers that write to sqs to trigger lambdas