Plisse sizing

I found some good deals on jf150s and I'm curious about sizing. I've heard the size doesn't matter because the measurements barely change and they have elastic waistbands. Any thoughts?
5 Replies
book2y ago
I'm 5'11" with a 34 waist and the times I've tried Homme Plisse size 3 definitely fit me best, size 2 was too small. If anything I would have been interested in trying a size 4 if it existed
bulkninja2y ago
the waist wont matter as much but the bagginess and length will definitely matter depending on the style of trousers. I'm 5 8 and the size 1 trousers are really bag on me. Length is good tho
raisinpieOP2y ago
Ok that's helpful! Im also looking at size 3 and Im 5'11" and 30 waist...seller says at rest it's a 29" waist so it should be fine
heckle2y ago
It will be elasticized for sure I am like a 33”ish waist and size 3 fits
25時2y ago
35 waist and I got gifted a pair in size 2. It looks fine, but I can feel it lightly squeezing my stomach/bladder the entire time I’m wearing it. It’s not uncomfortable to the point where I’m counting the clock to when I get to take it off, but it’s not something I’d wear for any longer than I have to.

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