C#11mo ago

❔ VS2022 Add Docker Support Missing in Parallels

I'm currently running VS2022 in Parallels on an M2 Mac, and the options for adding Docker support are completely missing in Visual Studio. There's no option for it when creating a template or in the usual menu option Add > Docker Support. I know the M-series chips don't have nested virtualization support, but I'm not even trying to run a docker container inside Windows inside Parallels - I'm just trying to get Visual Studio to generate a Dockerfile for me. Is there any way to get those options back, or am I just out of luck if I'm running Visual Studio in Parallels?
10 Replies
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jvisick11mo ago
No, that option doesn't appear in my VS Installer. If I search for "docker" nothing comes up, and if I search for "container" my only option is C++ CMake tools for Linux - which I did install previously while trying to figure it out on a prayer that it might get the option to show up, but it did not
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Unknown User11mo ago
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jvisick11mo ago
Yessir, VS2022 Community 17.7.0
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jvisick11mo ago
Yep, I have a Windows machine and the option appears in VS. I can also generate a dockerfile using VS for Mac (🤮 ) and it works just fine. It's not really causing a problem for me from a technical perpsective, but I'd like the option there since I help newer developers learn .NET and it'd be nice to be able to show them how to get VS to generate one while sharing my screen
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Unknown User11mo ago
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jvisick11mo ago
I did try installing Docker Desktop in Parallels, but the M-series chip don't support nested virtualization so they can't run WSL2 and as a result they can't run Docker Desktop. That being said, I do get that option in VS on a native Windows machine without installing Docker Desktop or setting up WSL My best guess is VS probably can tell that it can't run virtualization installed in Parallels so it disables those features, which is a bummer because I'm not actually trying to run it in Docker. I just want VS to do it's magic and make a Dockerfile for me
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Unknown User11mo ago
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Accord11mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.