which is better? no collar buttons done, 1 collar button done or all collar buttons done?
17 Replies
I was also thinking of getting a black button up dress shirt tomorrow instead of using this Polo shirt. What do y’all think?
The navy polo doesn't really work here. A white shirt would be much better than a black one.
Like this?
much better
not to say that navy and black couldn't work, just not in this particular context
It’s actually black and black but I think the material makes it look navy.
just for like going out to dinner or stuff like that
yea extra unbutonned** for sure
Yeah the white shirt looks a lot better here. With no tie I usually start with just the top one unbuttoned, you can always undo a second (or third)
idk why but I just prefer the black. I’m biased for darker colors
all black can work but you have to style it differently
for this style white shirt is the way to go
The black looks like a waiter/bouncer
Go with the white shirt here
oki maybe it will grow on me, I’ll use the white, thank you
Could you give an example of a styling that would work in your eyes?

imo the shirt has to be interesting, a plain black shirt in a regular cut and fabric usually doesn't work for me

cham fit
I forgot his username but I really liked his fits