write blender plugin, write 3ds max plugin that calls blender
write blender plugin, write 3ds max plugin that calls blender
14 Replies
sounds like already too much effort
.smf - Silk Model Format
😠that's already the acronym i use
.bi - bad idea
blender plugins are easy to make
and you can copy the existing obj exporter's code
we should have our own competing standard
the thing is most engines don't use assets in their original form at runtime, i know back when i used silk.net i had an ahead-of-time step that would convert everything into my engine's data structure so there's less work to do at runtime
XNA has its own asset format
unity does too
and unreal
and with that architecture you can do whatever, your ahead-of-time step can use any tooling and could even be in a different language if you wanted
everything gets baked when you import it into the editor
in that respect the material shader graph thing makes sense, as you just generate a shader at import time
unfortunately blender shadergraphs don't make for performant game shaders :P
convert it to SPIR-V, convert that to LLVM, and let LLVM's optimization passes go nuts haha