What to do after teleporting? (spoof)
Everytime i teleport, all the pokemons Flee and the pokestops dont work.
I know thats a niantic safety but how do you guys snipe 100IV pokemon?
When I use the snipe radar and teleport towards them it has me waiting till the countdown is over and I am pretty sure those pokemon are gone after 15min -> 2hour of waiting.
Help xD
12 Replies
So you can still catch the Pokémon you want during a spoof even when they flee before cooldown ends.
All you have to do is click on the Pokémon before it flees
Then wait patiently until your cooldown timer is up.
During this wait, do not feed the Pokémon a berry nor attempt to throw any poke ball at him because that will trigger cooldown and you will be on soft ban
The purpose of this process is to answer your question as Pokémon won't flee if you're on the encounter screen without doing anything to the pokemon.
I just tried it. I only clicked on the pokemon I teleported and threw a pokeball. It still fled 😦 . I can still catch pokemon and use pokestops in the place I am from
Respect the Cooldown Rules
I am not soft banned. I can still catch pokemon and pokestops.
If I am soft banned it happens after I teleport but that makes the whole sniping radar system useless
whats the problem then
Read the post
we snipe 100 ivs by going to where it is
and waiting on the cooldown
put pgsharp on background
if ur on phone
Doesnt it despawn after I teleport?
if u do it before despawn
if u leave the app open then no
it wount despawn if ur on the encounter screen
thats what i told him
Aaah, thanks okay. Thats what I was looking for. Thank you!!!! <a:Darumaka_Pet:922415179608776704>
ik u meant me