C#2y ago

❔ Runtime Endianness for Reading Structured Binary Data

Is there a standard way to deal with reading structured binary data in from a stream where the endianness is known only at runtime? In other words, it would be great if there was something with the same API as the BinaryReader but where the endianness for the reader could be set. I'm pretty new to C# so I didn't know if there was a idiomatic way to do this. In go I have used the binary.Read (https://pkg.go.dev/encoding/binary#Read) API to allow for reading in primitive types while specifying the endianness. Similarly, I have used the Java ByteBuffer type (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/nio/ByteBuffer.html) to accomplish this on the JVM. From my research, I have discovered (correct me if I'm wrong) that everything in dotnet is little endian. I have also found the BinaryPrimatives class which offers different methods for reading/writing binary primitives with different endiannesses. However, using this would require conditional statements wherever a read is performed. I wasn't sure if there was an extant class that provides a sleeker API for this. I know I could wrap it myself, but didn't want to reinvent the wheel if it was just something I missed
18 Replies
ero2y ago
Nothing built-in I'm not sure whether there's a NuGet for it, but writing it yourself shouldn't be too difficult
RJOP2y ago
Ah, gotcha. Okay, well thanks for the info! Figured I'd ask before writing code haha
cap5lut2y ago
BitConverter.IsLittleEndian (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.bitconverter.islittleendian?view=net-7.0) is a runtime constant, so basically the if-check of something like
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) {
] else {
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) {
] else {
will be reduced to the respective method call
ero2y ago
oh interesting, i would have solved it with an interface and 2 implementations actually yeah i don't think that's what they want lol
RJOP2y ago
The endianness of the stream I'm reading is not necessarily that of the host system. It's encoded in a file at a specific location, I read that to determine the endianness of the file, then have to adjust the loads accordingly.
cap5lut2y ago
same here tbh, its less bloat in regards of writing both variants - tho i usually use SGs for such work well, then the 2 classes + 1 interface approach would be the best
RJOP2y ago
Thanks, y'all!
cap5lut2y ago
are u forced to use a specifc way for the binary (de-)serialization? if not there are quite some libs out there to not re-invent the wheel
RJOP2y ago
There's no restriction on the method I used to go from binary on disk -> object, so any libraries that could help would be appreciated. I'm new to the C# ecosystem, so not familiar with the usual suspects when it comes to this
cap5lut2y ago
GitHub - MessagePack-CSharp/MessagePack-CSharp: Extremely Fast Mess...
Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin). / msgpack.org[C#] - GitHub - MessagePack-CSharp/MessagePack-CSharp: Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET,...
cap5lut2y ago
there is also google's protobuf
cap5lut2y ago
GitHub - Cysharp/MemoryPack: Zero encoding extreme performance bina...
Zero encoding extreme performance binary serializer for C# and Unity. - GitHub - Cysharp/MemoryPack: Zero encoding extreme performance binary serializer for C# and Unity.
cap5lut2y ago
dunno which will fit ur needs, maybe none of these, but it gives ya starting point to look around for options or to decide to go for something self-written its also a matter what ur use case is. no need to use something high performant but complex or something selfwritten if its in a cold path
RJOP2y ago
Awesome, thank you so much for that! I will look through these and see how I can fit it into my goals
cap5lut2y ago
one last hint: if u need high performance, use source generator based solutions
ero2y ago
i don't see how source gen would help here they said they only know the endianness at runtime so sg doesn't really make sense as a solution
cap5lut2y ago
that was apart from the endianness thingy, and u can let these libs generate both versions, for big and little endianness iirc
Accord2y ago
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