C#11mo ago
Alex Frost

❔ Get list of indices from a List

I have a result set called "result". I want to use Linq to get a list of distinct items by name and their indices in the source resultset. How can I accomplish that?
15 Replies
ero11mo ago
how would this work? first of all, a set already only contains distinct items. if you mean that you have a list, and you then got the items distinct by their name, which distinct item's index would you want? the first? second? nth?
dotnut11mo ago
Something like collection.DistinctBy(item => item.Name).Select(item, index => new { Name = item.Name, Index = index})
ero11mo ago
but that's incorrect that would return the index in the new distinct collection
string[] foo =
string[] foo =
like what would the result look like here?
dotnut11mo ago
I think they mean collection
ero11mo ago
dotnut11mo ago
Just because of the mentioning of Distinct
ero11mo ago
what about it
dotnut11mo ago
You said it already a set would have distinct items Hence I believe they just meant a collection of things
ero11mo ago
sure doesn't really matter your version would be incorrect in any case
their indices in the source resultset
this part just doesn't really make sense
dotnut11mo ago
Ah good point Yeah it doesnt 😅
ero11mo ago
it's fine that they want the index in the source collection, but if you expect the item to exist more than once, then you need to have a concept of which one you want
dotnut11mo ago
Alex Frost
Alex Frost11mo ago
Hi, thank you for the guidence. I was able to work it out following what was said and some search:
distinctItems = result.Select((value, index) => new { index, value.PropertyID })
.DistinctBy(p => p.PropertyID)
.ToDictionary(x => x.index, x => x.PropertyID);
distinctItems = result.Select((value, index) => new { index, value.PropertyID })
.DistinctBy(p => p.PropertyID)
.ToDictionary(x => x.index, x => x.PropertyID);
ero11mo ago
i mean again like, it's not really clear if this is the desired solution either way you should prefer using a valuetuple
.Select((r, i) => (Id: r.PropertyId, Index: i))
.DistinctBy(t => t.Id)
.ToDictionary(t => t.Index, t => t.Id);
.Select((r, i) => (Id: r.PropertyId, Index: i))
.DistinctBy(t => t.Id)
.ToDictionary(t => t.Index, t => t.Id);
Accord11mo ago
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