Error: redirect error
Hi, we just set up the nameservers for my domain in Strato and now u just land on a page where it said Error: redirect error. At least in FireFox
In Edge it said This page is not working at the moment.
Both say in a little sentence anything about Cookies but I dont know what to do now.
39 Replies
Redirect errors are usually caused by your SSL/TLS Setting, if you navigate to SSL/TLS -> overview, make sure it's "Full (Strict)", not "flexible"
Magic link:
If that doesn't fix it, what's the link to your site?
I havent tried it yet
a friend is hosting it for me
and hes busy currently
so i have to wait sorry
no worries
Hi do u know how long this takes to apply?
like a minute max. If it didn't fix it, it's something else, could tell better with the url of the broken page
That still looks like the typical origin redirect response to https. Your SSL/TLS Setting for that site is "Full (Strict)"?
Yes it is
I mean Me and my friend dont understand what the problem is
Your origin is responding to Cloudflare with a redirect to itself
So Cloudflare just responds with the redirect to the user, the user tries to follow the redirect, which just sends another request through Cloudflare, which your origin responds with a redirect to itself for, and respond until the browser gives up
Some origin misconfiguration, you could try it with Cloudflare disabled (pause, or unproxy the record), or just request directly to the server, Or view any server logs you have to try to figure out why/check over configs
Okey ive got the information
account Information
so what do i have to check
(idk what what is)
Cloudflare or what?
The Cf setting was ssl/tls overview:
If it's not that, it's something with your origin (the real web server behind Cloudflare)
okey when i click the link i get to the domain overview
and Main side
when i click on my ip i see SSL and TLS on the left
You should see a page which lets you pick your ssl encryption mode, and it should be "Full (Strict)"
if it's not, change it to full strict

Uberblick is the menu you want

pick Vollstandig (strikt)

like this?
mhmm, and now the redirect issue is gone:
Your origin doesn't have a valid ssl cert though. You'll need to fix that

I can enable this
that won't help you. Cloudflare can give you a certificate you can put on your origin though, provided you can configure one on it
If you want that, that's under Ursprungserverr on the ssl/tls drop down, you can get one issued, but you'll have to install/configure it on your origin server (the real web server behind Cloudflare)
wait i made the website in english now
better for you

okey here
what do i have to use in here

what's your origin/the web host you are using?
Mc host 24 ig
but i have / want to sleep now
im back tomorrow
idk what time it is for you then
Thanks for your help today
sorry that i annoy again
what should i do now
I have this

So i made this cerificate but idk what to do with it now
i have these 2 codes
no worries. You need to install a valid certificate onto your origin web server. If you're using a managed service, usually they would offer a way to get a cert. issued for you automagically which would work. If you're doing it yourself, you'll need to follow whatever steps are needed to install the origin cert (or any other valid cert you can get) onto whichever web server/setup you're using
Yea ill look if I get the account Information for mc-host-24
so how do we set up a certificate
cause it gives errors and stuff
but we cant do anything about it
friend said he made the certificates on plesk for the other domains but it gets this error
(its translated so idk if is correctly)
SSL/TLS certificate could not be issued for
Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate could not be issued for
The DNS zone contains an AAAA record, but the domain is not assigned an IPv6 address in Plesk.
To solve the problem, you can either assign an IPV6 address to ("Websites & Domains"> "Webhosting Access") or remove the AAAA record from the DNS zone.
it's probablyy because CF, you could try doing what it asks as a workaround, or if there's some way to bypass it