h2 styling and media queries

I was wondering if anyone knew any options for breaking an h2 in half so that I can control how the text stacks itself at certain widths? I have a sub-heading that reads "Perseverance Rover: Most Recent Snapshots", and I was wondering if there was a way I could break off "Most Recent Snapshots" so that it prints to the browser below the "Perseverance Rover:" portion of the h2 on smaller views. My usual instinct is to manipulate containers, but it doesn't seem right to have two h2s or an h2 followed by a p tag? I've included a photo of my app with dev tools open, if that's not enough info please let me know and I'll provide more. Thank you so much in advance.
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3 Replies
briancross•2y ago
How about wrapping each text segment in a span tag inside the h2?
elbi3OP•2y ago
Ok that worked great with flexbox, thanks @brian.cross 🤩
briancross•2y ago

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